An eclectic mix of interesting finds . . . clothes: style: food: baking: crafting: sewing: music . . .

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Oat Biscuits

I have returned from a wonderful break in the Cotswolds. If you're not from England and don't know where that is, Google it - seriously worth it. It's the sort of place where time stands still and is the picture perfect version of what you expect England to look like (aside from red double decker buses and tea). Although there is plenty of tea drinking to be done whilst eating the traditional English cream tea. Confused? This is a cream tea . . .

 Image found here

Needless to say we overindulged  - big time. I declared in the car that I needed a detox. Not the kind of detox involving weird combinations of fruit/veg drinks but just a few days away from cheese, creme and wine. That of course lasted all of 5 minutes when I returned home to find an opened block of goats cheese - smelling slightly suspect . . . .so what to do  . . .aha a goats cheese and sun dried tomato chutney tart.

Ok one minor slip. Unavoidable though - cannot waste good cheese right?

Then tonight, I had a sudden urge for something sweet and substantial. My cupboards are bare, since my supermarket shop was in 'detox mode'. Luckily I had some oats, golden syrup, flour, butter and milk and managed to rustle up some giant oat biscuits. Recipe found here.

So easy to make, it's almost rude not too . . . .

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